Advance everything to
5. or Advance everything but faith to 5.
Note: Not advancing faith
means you get more XP in the Priest Guild (because you are level 0) but also
means you will not have any spells. If you are a true newbie, you may find it
much harder to advance. The choice is yours.
Priest Guild
fighting.combat to
10 fighting.combat.melee to 15 fighting.combat.melee.(sharp or blunt) to
90 fighting.combat.melee to 90 fighting.combat to
90 fighting.combat.dodging.melee to 90 fighting.combat.dodging to
90 fighting to 90 fighting.points to 90 fighting.combat.parry to
Note: Before you begin advancing faith, decide whether you want to
overmax target or self. Overmaxing target will make your spells stronger for
others. Overmaxing self will make your spells stronger for you. The following
plan overmaxes self. If you wish to overmax target, simply replace .self with
.target and follow this plan until maxed.
faith to 5 faith.spells to
10 faith.spells.misc to 15 faith.spells.misc.self to
350 faith.spells.defensive to 15 faith.spells.defensive.self to
350 faith.spells.offensive to 15 faith.spells.offensive.(target or area)
to 350 faith.spells.misc to 350 faith.spells.defensive to
350 faith.spells.offensive to 350 faith.spells to 350 faith to
350 faith.items.staff to 350 faith.items to 350 faith.whateverisleft to
Ending Skill Levels
Overall Level of 407
fighting.combat.melee.(sharp or blunt) of
243 fighting.combat.dodging.melee of 138
faith.spells.offensive.(target or area) of
882 faith.spells.defensive.self of 938 faith.spells.misc.self of
938 faith.items.staff 441